in no way are these medical claims but generalized statements about hydrogen rich water**** please reach out for science publications regarding the effectiveness on molecular reduced hydrogen if you have any questions

in no way should this water be used to replace or supplement your existing routines for health or medical issues. these are merely beneficial solutions for helping with conditions from real life experience. as always, you should always consult a medical professional in regard to medical & treatment for physical or mental ailments.

1. GOOD NIGHT SLEEP: Drink 1/2-1 ounce of 11.5 pH ERW before bedtime to help release Melatonin for a great night sleep

2. EYE WASH: Rinse eyes with an eye cup. Upon removing the eye cup from its packaging, soak in 2.5 pH ERW for 1-2 minutes to clean and disinfect. Rinse the eye cup thoroughly with 11.5 pH ERW. Fill the cup, following package directions, with 11.5 pH ERW. Place cup firmly around one eye, keeping your eye open, tilt your head back and gently roll your eye as though you were attempting to look up, down, and from side to side. Continue this for approximately 1 minute. Now that you have completed one eye, toss the water away. Rinse the eye cup thoroughly with 2.5 pH ERW. Repeat steps for your other eye. To maintain healthy eyes follow this protocol 1-3 times per week. When working to improve any eye condition, follow this protocol at least 2 times daily and up to 10 times per day.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

3. GREASE IN EYE: Spray 11.5 pH ERW as needed to soothe eye.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

​4. MAKE UP REMOVER: Spray on eyes to dissolve and remove make up.

5. PUFFY EYES: Spray on to eyes to reduce puffiness.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

​6. HOT BATH SOAK: Use one gallon of 11.5 pH ERW added right at the end of filling the tub. This replaces or works well with Epsom Salts or any other remedy.

​7. ALLERGIES, COLD SYMPTOMS, SNORING: Use as a nasal wash when sinuses are plugged. Due to the reduction in inflammation of nasal passages this technique can also reduce snoring!

​8. BUG SPRAY REPELLENT, SUNBURN, PAIN, BUG BITES, SWELLING: Spray or soak areas with towel soaked in 11.5 pH ERW and keep wet by adding small amounts of 11.5 pH ERW to the towel for a minimum of 30 minutes twice a day...better if one hour twice daily.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

​9. HEAT BURN, INDIGESTION, FOOD POISONING, STOMACH FLU: Drink ¼ cup FRESH 11.5 pH ERW immediately followed by 25 ounces of 9.5 pH ERW then do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes. Repeat the next day only if necessary.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

10. ARTHRITIS, GOUT, MUSCLE SORENESS OR TISSUE INJURIES: Since high alkalinity draws out acids, you can utilize 11.5 pH ERW to soak in to “pull out” acids associated with inflammation, injury and pain. ERW is known for adding tenacity to muscles + can help with overall flexibility // fluidity.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

11. HANGOVERS & MIGRAINES: can prevent hang overs, as soon as feel migraine coming on, drink several oz.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

12. WORK ALONGSIDE INVASIVE TREATMENTS: Drink the water with invasive treatments. Can result in lessened side effects + the reversal of metabolic acidosis, and the antioxidants help to promote an environment of well-being.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

13. COLD REMEDY: Drink a shot of 11.5 pH ERW once a day to help with cold symptoms.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

14. FRUITS & VEGGIES: Soak for a minimum of 5 minutes to clean off pesticides.

15. ICE CUBES: To help off-set acidic drinks.

​16. RICE, BEAN, LEGUMES: Soak for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse clean with low flow 9.5 pH ERW.

17. MEATS: Soak all for 5 to 10 minutes for cleaning and tenderizing.

18. LAUNDRY SOAP: Use 1 to 2 quarts per load in place of laundry soap. Works beautifully for greasy smells like Fast-food Restaurant work clothes.

19. STAINS ON CLOTHES, RUGS, CARPETS: Use as a degreaser for any type of cleaning. Clean oil based stains by soaking the area and letting sit for 10 to 20 minutes and then blot out of carpets and wash if laundry stain as mentioned in step 18.

​20. CLEAN OVEN, CLOGGED SINKS & TUBS, REPLACE 409 CLEANER & DRANO: Clean with a scratch pad. Replaces 409 cleaner when dissolving grease and grime in kitchen. Use instead of Drano or other chemicals for clogged sinks and bathtubs.

21. POLISH SILVER: Soak and polish.

​22. PAINT THINNER: After using oil base paints, use to clean up.

23. USE INSTEAD OF “GOO GONE”: Removes greasy, gooey, gummy, sticky problems.


​1. KILL ALL MICROBES: Pre-rinse all fruits, vegetables and meat and let sit for one minute before soaking in 11.5 pH ERW. This will kill all microbes. Will also kill MRSA and infections.
​2. DISINFECTING: Use for disinfecting anything.

​3. ANTI-BACTERIAL SOAP: Use in place of anti-bacterial soap.

4. HARD WATER SPOTS & RUST: Clean hard water spots off of chrome and rust off of metal.

​5. FACIAL LIFTING & TIGHTENING: Spray face and neck (not eyes) and rub skin upward until dry. Finish with Beauty Water to tone skin.

​6. BRUSH & GARGLE, RESOLVE PERIODONTAL DISEASE & THRUSH, PREVENT ROOT CANALS: Wait one minute and then rinse with 9.5 pH ERW for 30 seconds to restore the natural pH. This procedure will prevent or resolve periodontal disease & thrush, & avoid root canals.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

​7. VOMITING: To stop vomiting take 1-2 Tbsp.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

8. OPEN WOUNDS, BURNS, INFECTIONS, STOP BLEEDING, KILLS CANDIDA: Kills bacteria and pathogens. Use on cuts, scrapes to help stop bleeding. Clean twice daily until healed. Do not use any other ointments as they only attract microbes by keeping the area moist and sticky.

based on personal experience + coupled with other holistic healing methodologies, check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

​9. INFECTED SINUSES: Spray in nose 2x/day for 2 days. Wait 2 minutes, then flush with 11.5 pH ERW.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

10. NAIL FUNGUS: Spray or soak twice a day.

​11. PINK EYE: Spray infected eye several times thru the day.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

​12. SORE THROAT, STREP THROAT, COUGH: Gargle 3-4 times per day or put in spray bottle and spray into throat.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

13. POISON IVY: Spray on infected area as often as needed. May slow down itching and dry up poison ivy much quicker.

14. FEVER BLISTERS, CANKER SORES: Spray or gargle to stop and dry up both.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

15. MOLES & WARTS: If you see something abnormal on your skin you may want to soak a gauze pad on a band aid with the 2.5 pH ERW and apply over the area. Change the band aid at least once a day. Often this process requires 30-60 days before seeing results.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment


1. Drink with meals only if necessary

2. Use for making baby formula

3. Drink with fast dissolving medication


*pH is similar to natural rain water*

​1. FACIAL SOAP: Clean face twice a day. Spray after cleaning.

2. HAIR CONDITIONER: Spray hair after showering as this conditions your hair. Try not to use conditioner of any kind as this coats the hair.

3. TONE SKIN: Use as final rinse in shower or bath to tone and firm skin.

4. RASHES, DIAPER RASH: Spray on skin to soothe and heal rashes, including diaper rash.

check with doctor before adding this to your regiment

5. PETS: Bathe pets for more lustrous coats.

6. PLANTS: Water indoor and outdoor plants for vigorous growth. Can revive dying plants.

7. EGGS & PASTA: Use to boil eggs and pasta.

8. FREEZING FOOD: Spray on foods before freezing including fish and shrimp so that foods do not lose their flavor.

9. ANTHOCYANINS: For washing and preparing fruits and vegetables containing anthocyanins: plums, grapes, cherries, strawberries, red cabbage, eggplant, soy beans, asparagus.

10. FABRIC SOFTENER: Use in rinse cycle during laundry. One gallon per load.

11. EYEGLASSES: Clean lenses.

12. REPLACE WINDEX: Replace all window and mirror cleaners with Beauty Water.

13. HARDWOOD FLOORS & CERAMIC TILE: For polishing and housecleaning: hardwood floors, ceramic tiles, etc.


1. SOUPS: Cook all soups with 9.5 pH ERW.

2. STIR FRY: Stir fry with 9.5 pH ERW to steam.

3. WEIGHT LOSS: Drink before you snack and before meals...wait 30 minutes and eat meal or if still hungry eat snack... most people are so dehydrated that their thirst mechanism is so weak, that they think they are hungry.

4. GREY HAIR: Often can return original hair color.

5. VISION: Can improve eye vision.

6. SPIDER VEINS: Over time of drinking ERW and cell repairing, spider veins can improve.

7. AROMA THERAPY/SPRITZER: Put any herb like rosemary or lavender in a spray bottle filled with ERW, let set for a couple of hours and use as a spritzer in your house for aroma therapy and an air freshener.


Condition – Acne:

1. Rinse with pH 11.5 pH ERW to remove excess oils from the skin.

2. Cleanse with non-soap cleanser and pH 4-6 pH ERW.

3. With a cotton swab dab pH 2.5 pH ERW on any active blemishes or broken skin.

4. Tone with pH 4-6 pH ERW in a glass bottle with a fine spray mister.

5. Repeat morning and bedtime.

6. Tone multiple times per day to keep skin hydrated.

Condition – Eczema and Psoriasis:

1. Rinse with pH 11.5 pH ERW to remove excess oils from the skin.

2. Cleanse with non-soap cleanser and pH 4-6 pH ERW.

3. With a cotton swab dab 2.5 pH ERW on any broken skin.

4. Tone with 5.5 pH ERW in a glass bottle with a fine spray mister.

5. Repeat morning and bedtime.

6. Tone multiple times per day to keep skin hydrated.

Condition – Rashes and Burns:

1. Rinse with pH 11.5 pH ERW to remove excess oils from the skin.

2. Cleanse with non-soap cleanser and pH 4-5 pH ERW.

3. With a cotton swab dab 2.5 pH ERW on any broken skin.

4. Tone with pH 4-6 pH ERW in a glass bottle with a fine spray mister.

5. Repeat morning and bedtime.

6. Tone multiple times per day to keep skin hydrated.

Condition – Diaper Rash:

1. Cleanse with non-soap cleanser and pH 4-5 pH ERW & pat dry.

2. With a cotton swab dab 2.5 pH ERW on any broken skin and let dry.

3. Hydrate the skin with pH 4-6 pH ERW in a glass bottle with a fine spray mist setting.

4. Repeat after each diaper change. Diaper rash begins with urine and feces that are too acidic. To prevent diaper rash begin by making certain that your baby is properly hydrated with pH 7.0-9.5 pH ERW.

5. Next replace baby wipes with a container filled with soft cloths or unbleached paper towels and 4.5-6.0 pH ERW. Use to cleanse diaper area each time you change your baby, pat dry and then apply a very fine mist to the skin. This assists in keeping the pH of the skin balanced.

Condition – Sweat:

Sweat is one of your body’s natural methods for ridding itself of toxins, so stopping that natural function - as many antiperspirants do - can create a serious backlash in your lymphatic system. Odors are simply bacteria thriving in the dark, damp area. So to stop the odor simply mist with pH 2.5 pH ERW. If you tend to sweat a lot keep a small spray bottle in your purse or desk drawer for occasional touch ups throughout the day.


in no way are these medical claims but generalized statements about hydrogen rich water & are deduced from scientific information as well as real-world testimonials**** please reach out for science publications regarding the effectiveness on molecular reduced hydrogen if you have any questions