The Start of the Century.
It’s that time of year again. The lights are hanging. The tree is decorated. A warm cup of (vegan) hot cocoa awaits you as you watch your favorite movies under the faint light of the evening. Snow begins to trickle from the sky, giving the grass a soft blanket as the sun begins to fade into the bottom of the mountains.
But holidays really don’t mean anything to me. It’s just another day in the year. Another opportunity for growth. Another blessing in disguise. And that’s really beautiful, I think. It’s amazing that every day we can open our eyes and begin a new life. We can mold our day into whatever we want it to be.
You might say, “well, I can’t just get up and go to Aruba.” BUT why can’t you? What is really holding you back?
You can do anything you want, on any day you want, at any time you want. If you are truly living on your own time and not another entity’s, you are able to create the life of your dreams, each waking moment of your day, any day.
Fear is something that begins to cloud our minds when we think about doing “outrageous” things such as moving to Aruba on a whim. Fear of what could happen. Fear of the future. Fear of finances. Fear of anything.
Our power is given to what we think about. What we think about creates our reality. Our inner reality affects our outer reality and vice versa. It’s all a beautiful, harmonious cycle.
The problem is… it’s hard to master; especially living in a technologically advanced, consumerism driven society. Instead of giving freely, we feel like we have to hoard because we don’t know when we might “need” it. Instead of living freely, we feel like if we don’t follow society, we will be a “failure.” Instead of doing what we truly desire, or thinking about what we truly want, we think of all the things we wouldn’t want, or the life we don’t want to live.
The reality of life, though, is that the universe will give us anything we need, when we need it. We are always being looked after and taken care of.
Energy flows where energy goes.
By limiting ourselves, our beliefs and settling for an average life, we are dictating our own futures. By giving energy to our fears, we actually increase the likeliness of them happening.
We are confined in the boxes we create for ourselves.
The laws of the universe will never fail you, so long as you listen to your intuition and inner guidance. Let it go. Let it flow. Let everything around you move freely. Harmony happens when chaos ceases to interfere.
Holidays are a beautiful time to celebrate the relationships we have with one another. But it shouldn’t be about what’s under the tree or what someone is giving you.Holidays should be a time of giving freely and an opportunity for deep healing. It should be a time of gratitude and compassion.
It should be a time of love.
During the holiday seasons we are often focused on finally having time off of work. We are driven by this consumerist society that tells us we have to work in order to afford these holidays. But in reality, who is even really making you work at that job you hate? You are. Who is making you buy the most expensive presents? Who is telling themself that they “can’t afford it?
You made those decisions and the universe followed suit. If you want to make a prosperous change, you must initiate that too.
You can do anything you want. Any time you want. Any day you want. Why not start doing the things you want to do TODAY? Why not start living your dream life today?
Picking a job just because it will pay well is unfulfilling to your soul. Living a life that doesn’t make you happy, so that you may please others, does nothing but diminish your well-being. Giving because you expect something in return; it will all bring you no real and true happiness. Trust me.
Take a small step and do something that lights your soul on fire today.
And do it from your heart.
We are stepping into a new decade soon. A decade that will bring change, growth and so so so much love and abundance into your life, if you let it.
Don’t take your heavy baggage with you. Release it.
Make the most of today.
Bask in the essence of the holiday spirit, dig deep within yourself and utilize this new moon (dec. 25/26th) to set your intentions for the new year.
Rest and release as the solar eclipse reigns in the sky.
Start the new year with intention.
Start the decade doing what you love.
Start this next century for you.
Do it for you.
You owe that to yourself.
Love always,