Love is All There Is.

In this game of life, there may seem like there are many different factors at play — many different energies, even. But the true reality is only that of love.

This may be triggering to hear, I know the first time someone said it to me it definitely was.

“You’re meaning to tell me that even tragedy is love?,” I pondered…

Fast forward a few years + I’ve been face to face with more “bad” than I can convey in words and I still stand strong by the words, “Love is All That Is.” Anything else is merely an illusion, diluted through the lens of duality + ego.

The anger you feel?

That’s love.

The resentment?

That’s love.

It’s emotion channeled externally when it needs to be given to the self… which is probably why you’re feeling those things in the first place.

You see — our inner being is constantly emanating a vibration of love. And when we go against or live contrary to this love, we feel resistance… we feel anger. Our ego begins to act out + we set self-sabotaging traps. But in all actuality, these emotions are just indicators that we are in misalignment with what our inner being is truly feeling: Love.

We can have compassion for those who wrong us, yet still uphold our boundaries. It is the love within us that is screaming out in rage that we are not upholding those boundaries that causes the anger and resentment to arise in the first place.

And often times, this is a result of FEAR surrounding actually expressing ourselves… fear of abandonment… fear of rejection… fear of whatever.

we’re going deeper into setting stronger boundaries for your self + business inside of spark your magik

It is through the lens of forgiveness, the lens of unconditional love, that we can choose to anchor in well-being, regardless of our present circumstances.

You can choose to see all of the things going “wrong” for you as indicators that something terrible is happening or someone is out to get you — or you can see it as an invitation to strengthen your trust, not only in yourself but in the universe.

That is not to say that we negate what we are currently feeling in the name of “finding peace” or “neutrality — on the contrary. We must let ourselves feel what we need to feel + get to the root of what we are feeling, so that we can alter the way we are thinking (from a place of genuine desire for change) — to increase our stream of well-being in this world.

All of those subtle annoyances are reminders to come back into love.

They may be invitations to forgive yourself, or find clarity within your being.

They may be hinting at the ways in which you need to offer more compassion.

Or they may be invitations to invite in better boundaries surrounding your relational or functional needs.

But truly, when we can step out of the lens of duality — a story that perpetuates the separation of consciousness — we can step back into our god given power: unity + oneness, which creates a sense of wholeness that not only invites in unconditional love for all, but allows you the space to grow exponentially through the world without fear, knowing that all is truly helping you to succeed.

Seeing through this lens not only allows you to step out of the victim mentality, it brings in a sense of ease to your life experience. It’s not to say that “bad” things won’t happen, but you will be less reactionary + in this way, you are subconsciously creating less resistance towards what you’re experiencing. By lessening the resistance towards what you’re experiencing, you will find yourself in less resistance (more pleasurable situations).

By allowing all to be as it is, you are allowing yourself to show up + express exactly as you are.

This is revolutionary for the subconscious mind because it lets us to step out of the confines of “right” + “wrong.” When we step out of duality in this way, we move into a heart centered space that is more inviting of the things we truly do want — partially because we’re not so focused on “protecting” ourselves from the “bad.” By teaching our subconscious mind through embodiment of wholeness, we allow ourselves to fully express the trueness of what it means to be human… this lets us stop trying to put ourselves in boxes or confine ourselves to roles in order to find acceptance. Instead, we are accepted as we are.

In seeing the world as love in its entirety, we can still learn to have boundaries towards what we don’t like + what we do like. This is the nature of being a human. It’s just that we step out of the realm of making one thing “better” or one “right” + one “wrong.” When we do this, it allows us to actually express the entire spectrum of our emotions + move past the confines of “good” + “evil” — into unconditional living.

I spent many of my years attempting to be “right…”

I spent many years trying to have it all figured out — trying to be “perfect”

& the irony is: that when i stopped trying to be perfect, perfection in the form of acceptance came.

I was no longer trying to “fix,” instead, I was allowing myself to be exactly as I was and am

— and that was enough.

Obviously, when we have goals, there are certain things we must let go of in order to usher in a new reality — this is the nature of change. But to limit ourselves + say that the old things were “bad” + this new version of ourselves is “better” is to completely negate the human experience (this is what i find a lot of healing modalities doing). All parts of the process, all parts of the story, all parts of the whole hold vital importance for our growth + evolution not only as a species, but as a consciousness.

When we move past categorizing, we move past the limitations of thought + word & into the unknown realm of “isness” — which is consciousness in its purest form. In this realm, all can be exactly as it is + we are not limited in our manifestations by way of the past, present, future or what we dictate as “right” or “wrong.” We simply make our preferences + experience that which we desire because we are no longer focused on demonizing something in order to prove that it is wrong. We accept that it is and that is all. Then we move forward in the direction of what we would rather focus on instead.

This is the power of conscious direction of the subconscious mind + this is the power that is available to you as you consciously guide your subconscious mind out of the realm of duality + into the quantum realm of infinite possibility.

The 3D is really a manifestation of two — this is what births physical form. It is the “dark” + the “light.” The “wanted” + the “unwanted.” But 3D is built this way so that we can learn to take the internal pathway to our solar heart, the realm in which all creation simply exists. So that we can learn how to manifest outwardly in a way that is desirable, by actually facing both the dark + the light + coming into a space of neutrality — a space of true acceptance.

In acceptance, we forgive. In acceptance, we can love anything. In acceptance, we lessen the resistance that’s keeping us in the current unwanted state in the first place.

Through acceptance of what is, we rise.

And in this rising, we exude what we truly are: unconditional love in physical form.

So today, I ask you:

How can you invite in more unconditional love into your world?

In what areas do you want to feel relief?

How can you initiate this relief by inviting in acceptance?

What are the stories of duality that are rummaging through your mind?

Where can you invite in neutrality?

& Lastly:

How can you remind yourself that even in your darkest moments, you are love, too?

xo, Mads




The Importance of Discipline + Discernment in Your Spiritual Practice