The Importance of Discipline + Discernment in Your Spiritual Practice
you’re allowed to say you don’t like people, places, things, ideologies, etc.
you’re allowed to be the judge of your own reality.
your judgement is discernment. your judgement is your power.
it is when we move from a space of judgement that does not account for all parties + the highest good of all that we move from a place that lacks discernment.
it doesn’t make you “less spiritual” to know that something isn’t for you… it makes you WISE.
discernment is only needed when you’re in states of opposition to your desires (aka you have thoughts or limiting beliefs surrounding your goals or what you actually want…)
discernment is only needed when clarity isn’t present. when clarity is present, discernment is a given. (much like when abundant energy is present, money is given).
when you’re present in unconditional love, your discernment is shown through your willingness to show up for your impulses + internal knowings
putting yourself in a box or adhering to the boxes of others is the one + only way that you can cut yourself off from your own internal power of discernment + discipline.
unconditional love allows.
because unconditional love knows no bounds.
unconditional love trusts.
because unconditional love knows that all is present + possible.
to limit yourself in the name of being “good” or “spiritual” is to put yourself in another box.
& that is not what earth is for.
earth is here for us to learn, to grow, to make a mess. sometimes we’re meant to leave a mess, too. sometimes we really aren’t meant to clean it up.
trust assumes that it will all be handled accordingly anyway.
when you move from this space, your power is inherent. anything is possible.
you don’t wait for things to happen. you can see them happening long before they come about.
when you move from this space, it will be easy to filter out + discern what is meant for you + what is not…
& in the grand scheme of things — everything is meant for you… it’s just about HOW you use it
It is not my Responsibility to show you how valuable you aRe. You must find that love within yourself. & even then, there is no guarantee anything will come of it.
you must be the one to take the action, to implement the boundaries & to show up diffeRently.
you must take it upon yourself, take Responsibility + hold youRself accountable to youR desiRes.
my heaRt is vast + omniscient - theRe will always be space foR you there but your life is not dependent on me or anyone else —
It's dependent on you: what you choose to embody + What you'Re willing to allow.
If you desire the "good" things in life, you must be the one to declare + deem yourself worthy of them.
you must be the one to fight foR what you believe in.
from there, the question becomes, what do you believe in + why?
Where is youR internal focus?
What is that saying about your frame of mind?
Whats your point of RefeRence?
is that point of reference even relevant?
Its time to move past the 3D, beyond the ego + into a sense of self that enlivens you, lifts you up, makes you feel like you have a calling, a sense of purpose.
one that is larger than life — one that is laRgeR than you.
as the rain lingers, What aRe you focused on? the refresh of the gloominess?
as the sun shines again, are you consumed by the love it emits or does your soul feel exposed by the brightness?
youR life, youR sense of puRpose — it’s dependent on what you’re willing to allow with youR perception.
Who are you allowing yourself to become? What's their purpose?
come back into love for the ENTIRETY of life + watch your truest desires blossom.
when all of the voices in your head are telling you one thing, but your heart is whispering something else… who do you listen to?
what do you make those voices mean about you? what do you make the whispers of your heart mean? where are you giving your power?
when your heart is yearning for something but your mind is telling you all the reasons it’s impossible, do you let that stop you from telling the story you truly want to tell?
who says you can’t make the impossible possible? what in the mind is telling you that your heart doesn’t have the authority? does that make sense for you? is there a reason your heart may be misleading you? trust that. understand yourself + nothing can bring you off your path.
when you know any outcome is possible, yet you keep settling for the same cup of tea ~ what do you make that mean?
do you make yourself less of a person? or do you trust that there is a reason? do you allow yourself to explore the other options despite the fear? let yourself go somewhere new. do you trust you?
your discipline isn’t determined by how well you can fit the boxes of society, but how well you can show up for yourself, your desires + your inner knowing over + over again.
the way you relate to your life is directly proportionate to the way you’re showing up for yourself, your desires & how well you’re standing in your own personal power (your discernment power).
the way you allow yourself to show up unconditionally without making your actions mean things is directly related to your discipline in allowing your authencity to flow through you.
you can never get it wrong…
but your discernment will help you to hone in + show up better every time
you might think that discipline is your ability to show up for yourself every day…
you might think that discipline is meditating for 100 days straight, or journaling for the same amount… and while it can be, true discipline is measured in how you show up in your moments of weakness.
do you falter?
do you let yourself become a victim?
do you let yourself indulge in that which you know is not serving you?
are you letting the “bad” be an excuse to have a reaction that you know will not serve you?
how are you showing up for yourself in those moments?
it’s okay to have reactions, but its about how long you react for + what the intention is behind the reaction.
suppression? numbing? or are you showing up for your inner child by finally allowing yourself to react in that way?
and then from that space, are you willing to parent your inner child in the ways necessary?
are you able to show up more in alignment with your heart?
your discipline is in the ability to enact your discernment in any given moment
your discernment is the voice inside saying “this is what i need to do”
sometimes discernment is not logical… that’s why it’s important to understand your emotional triggers + fully step into your own energetic signature, so that you can move from a place of full authenticity + not in the shadow of others or past versions of yourself
sometimes, your ability to show up + discern is your ability to NOT do something… sometimes it’s the ability to do something controversial, knowing its for you anyway.
learning to f*ck up is inherently part of the process, trust it.
to better learn about your own emotional authority, i highly recommend checking out your human design.
get a free ebook on your design here.