Why Kangen® Water?


What’s the Difference?

Kangen®  water is: 



s t r u c t u r e d

with ample hydrogen molecules


What does that even mean?

Antioxidants are naturally present in the body, but because of the harsh reality that we live in, the free agents (the yucky stuff) usually out numbers the amount of antioxidants. Kangen water helps to replenish these antioxidants, which ultimately neutralizes the body and helps remove the over-present free agents.

Structured water is the kind of water that resides within our bodies, any body of water, as well as any living food. By drinking water that is structured, the body (and the water) is hydrated on a cellular level; the cellular structure of the water is in resonance with the cellular structure of your cells, allowing alchemy to occur. Through this alchemy, the water is able to more easily rid the body of acidic deposits that could not before be penetrated with un-structured water (which is most tap, bottled + “alkaline” water). Electrolysis allows the hydrogen molecules to be electrically “shocked,” similar to when bodies of water on earth are struck with lightening. This energetic exchange allows for the water to exchange hydrogen molecules with itself more fluidly, creating a state of alkalized abundance, as well as hydrogen-rich, electric water.


learn more about the electrolysis process by clicking here

Water Quality is Important

But not all water is the same -

Most tap water is full of harmful contaminants.

What’s in your water?

Find out here.

Additionally, feel free to indulge in this beautiful podcast by Dr. Kevin Pecca with guest appearance from Dr. Vernell Lucas.

Dr. Lucas talks all things Kangen ® water, its benefits & the long-term effects of not drinking this electrolyzed goodness.



mentally, physically, emotionally + energetically, you’re going to level up

& it’ll leave you with higher standards than ever before

*based on personal experience, no medical claims



Let’s Focus.

Our Bodies Are Composed of 70% Water.

They Deserve the Absolute Best.

Focusing on You


01 — Improve Your Water Quality

Your skin is your biggest organ; take care of it. Not only because you should, but also because your skin absorbs the water you shower/cleanse in into your bloodstream, affecting the overall pH of your body. Hydrogen Rich water is known for being able to create an environment for health (message for specific articles on H2 + the power of molecular reduced hydrogen water).

in no way are these medical claims but generalized statements about hydrogen rich, mineralized water*

02 — Improve Your Quality of Life

Shifting from your current state to a more health conscious lifestyle will drastically shift your state of mind + allow you to be more fluid in your living. This naturally increases your quality of life. One step in this direction causes shifts in all areas of your life!

in no way are these medical claims but generalized statements about lifestyle changes*

03 — Improve the Taste of Your Food

Use the 11.5 H2 water as a soak (for a minimum of five minutes) to rid your fruits and veggies of harmful pesticides. Not only are you protecting yourself from consuming pesticides, but you are also improving the overall taste of your food. Not to mention, if you do want to use spices, you don’t need to use as much because the foods are now better able to absorb the spices, meaning you can use less.

in no way are these medical claims but generalized statements about hydrogen rich water*

04 — Sleep Better

Drink 1/2-1 ounce of 11.5 H2 water before bedtime to help release Melatonin for a great night sleep. Melatonin is a natural chemical the brain releases at night time, as well as when we are tired. By increasing the Melatonin in the brain, you are naturally increasing the chemical that aids sleep. Falling asleep becomes easier, but you are also more likely to stay asleep.

in no way are these medical claims but generalized statements about hydrogen rich water*

Focusing on Sustainability


01 — Lower Your Usage of Household Cleaners

Kangen® water can be used all around the house: From floor cleaner to detergent solution. It can be used in washing dishes, as well as various other cleaning purposes (including makeup remover!). Use as a degreaser for any type of cleaning. Clean oil based stains by soaking the area in 11.5 and letting sit for 10 to 20 minutes and then blot out of carpets. Use Beauty Water as fabric softener.

02 — Refrain From Consumption of Bottled Water

It is no surprise that bottled water can be bad for the environment, but it can be bad for water itself (aka us because we are water). Water is alive. When we realize this, it’s a no-brainer that bottled water is not serving us. It’s time to let it go. Having ionized water on tap is a superb solution!

03 — Limit Physical Consumption of Products Ridden With Chemicals

The use of ERW pH water allows for an ample array of household as well as holistic purposes & may help you in eliminating or significantly reducing toxins in your home & body!

in no way are these medical claims but generalized statements about hydrogen rich water*

please consult with your inner knowing + medical professionals before making your own decisions


Focusing on Others


01 — Help Give the Gift of (LIVING) Water to Those Around You

Even if you don’t promote the products for sale, you can still share your Kangen machine(s) with those around you. The K8 lasts about 22-25 years, for a family of four. With regular cleaning, this lifetime can be even longer. Share your water, share life, share your abundance.

02 — Promote/Inspire a Healthy Lifestyle

Most people make change only when they are inspired (or forced) to do so. Be the change in someone’s life. Help them see and live more consciously and clearly.

03 — Share it With Your Furry Friends

Our animal friends deserve the very best, too. Spread this gift of electrolyzed water to your own pet, your neighbors, maybe even a stray. My cats love to indulge in some 9.5!

04 — Move the Collective Forward

We are all a community. We all share the same DNA and we all share the same earth; even our furry little friends. By changing your lifestyle, you are sending that vibration out into the universe; you are subsequently allowing the frequency around you to be up-leveled in more ways than one.


learn about the spiritual implications of drinking electrolyzed reduced water + understanding the energy of this water

follow @tranquil.trajectory on instagram for updates + informational posts on your feed!

Prioritize Yourself.

Prioritize Your Health.

Prioritize The Earth.

Prioritize Sustainability.



explore 68+ uses of electrolyzed reduced water

explore the k8 filtration system

dive into the network marketing opportunity associated with the k8 product + company

Hear what others are saying about the water:

in no way are these medical claims but generalized statements about hydrogen rich water*

please consult with your inner knowing + medical professionals before making your own decisions