chi + the energy body
as we know, we live in a vibrational reality.
chi is the internalized energy that we utilize to cultivate the world around us. our chi is channeled from past lives, past generations, past souls, etc. it is essentially the “collective” aspect that channels through all of us.
it may be easier to think of us as antenna for the earth.
from her surface, we receive codes (ions) that give us more energy.
from above, we receive codes (ions) that give us more energy via the sun.
so when we begin to understand the nature of energy, we understand that it is all encompassing. that nothing is truly separate. that we all coexist in the same energy body.
if you want to be guided through feeling your chi and releasing any stagnant energy/blocks, listen to this weeks podcast episode here.
so because your chi is cultivated over centuries and across various different energy forms, it is your responsibility to begin cultivating NEW with that older energy.
we are literally ionization filters that create what we desire through the power of alchemical transmutation.
we take one perspective and coax ourselves into another, all by way of logic.
logic is the train that takes you to transcendence.
that seems odd, doesn’t it?
let me explain.
through logic, you can convince your brain of anything.
logically, i feel something so I must be experiencing something that would contribute to that feeling.
so maybe you feel upset. obviously your boyfriend is cheating, right?
LOL NO, but I can see the logic train and how you got there.
you based this current situation off of a happening that occurred in the past.
because this situation made you feel the way that situation made you feel, you automatically correlate the cause and deduce that it is the same.
it’s not.
but this is how your body learns.
and it’s logical.
it’s all through logic.
so if we can alter your logic to believe in the unseen; if we can alter your logic in a way that allows your brain to be in alignment with what you are wanting to receive, we can accomplish anything.
and i know what you’re thinking - “why would i want to feel like my boyfriend is cheating on me?”
of course you don’t. but what you do want is to feel safe.
because you had that prior experience, your body reverts back to what you did in that situation because it sees that everything has “worked out” since then.
it literally reacts in the same way just to feel safe.
because if you know what’s wrong, then you can fix it… right?
logically, yes.
but let’s pivot - let’s talk about the energy body.
the energy body is essentially your body in different dimensions of this now reality.
you have five dimensions:
for a more detailed explanation: listen to the podcast
each of these dimensions is an outward physical representation of the inner chi inside your body.
through cultivation of aligned chi, you are able to alter your energy body and ultimately, your reality.
when we’re looking at the energy body there are a few things to take into account:
the physical dimension consists of your physical body, but can also relate to what you keep close to you in the physical. are there any items that you’ve had for a long time that may be limiting you from moving forward or activating past scenarios for your subconscious to live in fear of?
the etheric dimension consists of a spider-web like outer shell of your body. this is your boundaries, your standards. your filter. it is intimately tied with the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of your energy body.
the emotional dimension is more abstract. these are your fears, your hopes, your dreams. your feelings. what makes you excited. these are conditioned into your etheric dimension via the physical through the way you show up in the world.
the mental dimension is your beliefs, thoughts, patterns, habitual cycles. this level of consciousness is directly connected to that of your parents, as many of us have not consciously separated ourselves, yet. most times, this level of our energy body is inherited from generations before us.
the spiritual dimension is your ability to connect (or lack thereof) to the god within, to source. it governs your enlightenment and connection with the divine. many individuals have suppressed this level of their energy body and the other levels have been drastically affected.
divine feminine, divine masculine, inner child, inner teenager, inner caregiver:
aside from various levels of our energy body, we can also classify our energy body based on personification.
a lot of the time, we learn habits by way of example. we internalize the conversation someone else is having with their inner child and make it our own. we internalize the conversation someone else is having with their divine feminine and make it our own. in order to create conscious separation, we must establish a NEW foundational relationship with our divine masculine, divine feminine, inner child, inner teenager and inner caregiver. really, you establish it with your DF and DM first and then, the inner child and teenager come out to be understood. this is where the inner caregiver steps in and holds space for the inner child or teenager to express itself fully.
in order to create a relationship with these energies, it is sometimes easier to start with the energy you are currently holding.
notice your masculine (discipline, structure, logic, leading) and how he shows up. is he hurt? is he acting out of past trauma?
notice your feminine (flow, expression, creativity, love) and how she shows up. is she hurt? is she reacting out of past trauma?
in what ways can these two aspects of yourself more fully come together and work together?
if either of your polarities is acting out of trauma, it’s important to understand that that trauma lies with the inner child and inner teenager and you have to take the time to let those aspects of yourself feel safe enough to open up to your inner caregiver.
if you are having a hard time distinguishing your masculine and feminine polarity, this is likely because you never got to fully develop either of them.
sometimes this means you implement other figures in your life who meet the ideals of these energies.
for example, you may look at someone as a father figure who is not your father.
this is you outsourcing your divine masculine energy.
come back within and ask yourself where you don’t feel worthy enough to be recognized as your own divine masculine.
(note: i am not saying you are looking to others and adapting to your own - that is good and healthy. i’m saying you idealize or idolize someone because they fit a narrative/role in your head)
divine union occurs when we fully understand our divine masculine (our chi) in a way that supports our growth, fosters change and ultimately creates new life.
union is the actualization of BALANCE of polarity.
polarity doesn’t dissolve, but rather works together to form a completion cycle, which is transmutation.
your chi is directly impacted by your energy body, just as your energy body impacts your chi. however, when we change the way we cultivate our chi (our daily habits, beliefs, patterns, how we show up for the world) we consequently change our energy body and our reality shortly follows.
in NLP, this relates to the neurological levels of the mind. this model explains that we have different levels of consciousness for each aspect of our lives.
it shows us how we get results.
it states:
there is an environment with a where and a who (you create change by physical action/movement)
there are behaviors that solidify that environment (the what is preformed; creating change here means doing something different)
there are the skills and abilities that you hold (how you accomplish things; you create change by developing new skills or improving on existing skills)
there are beliefs and values (self-concept and standards for life; create change by making unconscious beliefs/values conscious and asking questions)
identity (I AM statements - complete resonance; when beliefs and values become firm)
connectedness (connection to source)
the idea is that the higher the level you make a change, the more easily the lower levels fall into place and the more change occurs
meaning that if you can connect with the outermost (highest level in NLP) aspect of your energy body, you are able to ultimately transcend your current reality. this is why detachment works so well for quantum leaping. you are literally changing your energetic signature by way of alignment. when you begin to understand this logically, you begin to realize just how really real it is to embody your wildest dreams.
because you are worth it and it is possible.
for more on chi and the energy body, check out this weeks podcast.
to book a 1:1 session with me: schedule here
thank you for reading xx
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